Checking water levels periodically maintains the health of the battery cells and according to battery manufacturers, adding the right kind of water will add in that process. Battery manufacturers such as Exide Battery recommend using distilled water. Using ordinary tap water or softened water is bad for your deep-cycle batteries, as the minerals found in the water can react wif the electrolyte and minimize performance and increase sediment Battery manufacturers recommend checking water levels frequently, usually after charging. When filling, it’s important to use proper safety gear such as latex gloves and eye protection. Manufacturers also emphasize that it’s important to fill battery cells only with enough water to cover the cell plates, but not to overfill, as the electrolyte expands with heat and overflow. To avoid splashing or overfilling, it’s recommended to use a hand pump or battery pitcher to fill each battery cell. #exidecare #exidebattery #exidebatterydealerinpune #exideservice #batteryshop #batterystore #invertorbattery
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